I am off to Canada in a week to take a holiday.
No, wait, that should be to undertake a Royal Society funded fellowship visit to the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative at UBC.
I thought that this would give me a good opportunity to re(start) my blogging..... doubly so, because it is going to be an interesting few months for Physics, what with Wakeham, the HEA Subject Centre Review etc.... And then there's the almost constant supply of news stories about how the subject is going to hell in a handcart (more on that later....)
So back to the holiday. At present, I am considering the whole work-life balance thing while out there, and reports of the weather forecast ('scorching', in the words of a colleague's mother) are suggesting that the scales may well tip towards life rather than work to start with.....
As for working conditions, compare and contrast:
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